Thursday, June 25, 2009

In the meantime...

Since Jack is under the weather, we thought we'd upload some videos to keep everyone entertained until he is feeling better. These were all captured over the last couple of days when he was feeling better. Hope you enjoy.

This first one is of Jack playing with his doll 'buddy' as well as Izzy during one of those 'It's almost bedtime' states of delirium.

This second one was Jack and I at the park, when he got to go down the slide all by himself.

Finally, and my personal favorite, is Jack in the tub, chatting away with mommy. Again, he was really getting tired, and in the lulls in the conversation he was having, he appeared to be 'nodding off.'

1 comment:

  1. I finally got to watch the videos with sound. They are definately more fun to hear him talking in Jackies.
    How mean is it to strap your child in a chair and trough his toys out of reach?
