Thursday, June 25, 2009

Here we go again...again

We're noticing a trend. Whenever Jack produces a couple of new teeth, they are soon accompanied by a raging ear infection. Poor guy. His two canine teeth started coming in over last weekend, erupting on Monday. This was accompanied by a low grade fever, which we attributed to the teething process. The fever persisted over the last couple of days and ranged between 100 and 102 degrees F, not atypical for the temps Jack usually gets. As the week drew on, this was acompanied by a running nose, cough, and most notably a bad case of the grouchies. Today (Thursday), we decided that this was too persistant to be due to the teeth (still in the process of erupting), and too reminicsent of his past ear infections, so we decided to take jack in to see the Pediatrician (As the nurse put it, "Congratulations Jack, three days of fever, you won a trip to the doctor"). Our regular Doc was out of the office, so we saw one of his associates. After listening to Jacks heart and lungs (both of which were clear), and palpating his stomach (which was also fine) he looked in his ears and, low and behold, he had a raging infection in his right ear, and his left was developing an infection as well. Once again, Jack's high pain tolerace had belied his condition. The doctor couldn't believe that Jack had slept through the night and was being such a good boy in the office, stating that most kids in this position would have been screaming their heads off. Yet, there was Jack sitting calmly in my lap, poking at my nose. The doctor gave us a prescription for Omnicef, the antibiotic that worked for Jack last time, and so we begin a 10 day course to get the little guy better. He's pretty lethargic today, is already on his second nap, and still has his temp going, but the Doc said that he should be back to himself by Saturday or Sunday.

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