Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Blue bird, blue bird...

This is Frank's real arch-nemesis(meaning not Jack)...the blue bird. He/she is such a pretty bird but it has recently been swooping down on Frank and squawking at him. When I was out taping him/her she started doing the same to Jackson and I. I'm sure there is a nest nearby and Frank is known to be a bird killer (and Jackson was chasing him/her) so I don't blame him/her but poor Frankie can't even relax in his own yard.

1 comment:

  1. With any luck the eggs will hatch and the little birds will take flight soon. Poor Frank in the mean time. The bird that built a nest in my flower basket the past few years didn't come back this year. I couldn't even walk out of the house without hearing shreeking from the mother bird.
