Last night I got a phone call from the lab that drew Jack's blood and they said that their Hematologist wanted Jack to come back in for a redraw for his platelet function. She said it was because the hematologist was not sure of the results and wanted to check again. I was obviously not happy since that means Jack would be poked again and also it made me a little sceptical of all of the lab results. Larry called the doctors office just to let them know that the lab would be getting new results and the nurse said that we should just wait and let Dr. Hastings, the pediatric hematologist, decide whether he needs a redraw and also if she has any other labs she wants drawn so that he doesn't get an unnecessary poke or just gets one poke. I felt good with this decision but it still leaves me wondering if Jack's labs were handled correctly or if something went on in the lab that they aren't telling us about(like they mixed up the sample with someone else's). It just makes me wonder.
Today Larry called and made an appointment with Dr. Hastings for Monday at 3:30pm. I was surprised we could get in to see her so quickly. We could have seen her associate tomorrow but we both work and I would really like Jack to see her since she was the one that our pediatrician recommended. So we will not have anymore news hopefully until Monday. I'm feeling much better about the whole thing and am positive that he is just an easy bruiser who happened to have a viral infection when his labs were drawn. This is how I'm keeping my sanity for now.
I also wanted to share some news on how much of a genius that Jackson is since I have your attention. This morning Jack woke me up to by singing me the whole alphabet, even with the song at the end, and I could almost distinguish every letter. Then we were at the store today and I handed him some of those "magic" markers that only write on "magic" paper (they're a fabulous invention as long as you can find the caps before they dry out). Anyway, I handed him the markers and he counted them up to ten. I have never heard him do that before so I was a bit shocked. He was very proud of himself and I of him so instead of hiding the ball that he had been holding the entire ride while he wasn't looking, I bought it. So now we have about seven of the Target balls from the bin. Word of advice: know where these bins are in the store and avoid them like the plague. Although, $2 worth of ball makes for a happy boy!
What a beautiful boy!