We all have our little quirks, some are very subtle and others are quite intrusive. For me (Larry), I can't stand spiders. Natalie always jumps into bed for fear that something is going to bite her toes. And for Jack, it's the Wheel of Fortune. Seriously. The kid can't stand it. Maybe it's Pat Sajak's always perfectly coiffed hair, or the fact that Vana White looks the same as she did in 1985 (although they seem to be using a wider camera angle these days), or maybe its that big giant wheel...who knows. What we do know is that Jack doesn't mind Alex Trebek, or the "Thinking Man's Game show," but as soon as Wheel of Fortune starts, or if "Wheel" is in progress when we turn the TV on it triggers Jack into full panic mode. Tears, his whole body goes rigid, and his little face turns bright red amidst pleas for us to put "Choo Choo" on instead. In true avoidance behavior style, as soon as the trigger is removed, the panic ceases, the skies part, and all is well again.
I mention this because tonight Nat and I were cleaning up after dinner, Jack went and turned on the TV, and guess what was on..."Wheel." OH NO!!! All the sudden we turned to see what the had happened, dumbfounded at the problem, until we heard the distinctive clacking of the wheel and the pleas for Choo choo. This has happened several times in the last few months. Cracks us up each time. Of course my mind says.."Okay Jack, time for some wheel of fortune exposure therapy." BRING ON THE WHEEL!
Poor guy, did Nat, by chance watch to much "Wheel of fortune" while sitting real close to the TV when she was pregnant. That is almost a funniest home videos spot. And "Wheel of Fortune" baby wins $ 10,000.00. Just a sick thought on my part.
ReplyDeleteYeah, why don't you tie him to a chair and sit him infront of the TV and make him watch Wheel of Furtune every night for a week. That ought to do it!