While the girls shopped Jackson drove the bus.
Yeah for shopping!
Riding the shuttle without a carseat and apparently teething.
Mommy and Jack do the electric slide at the park opening party.
Meeting Bugs.
That is one big cat.
It wasn't very busy at the park so Jack got some alone time with the dolphins which he loved.
Jack's newest favorite is the choo, choo or as he was calling it the "coo, coo."
Jack and I on Hector the Helicoptor. We did this one more than once because it was so much fun.
I promise you that he is on there too.
Riding on Thomas the Train. It runs through the park and even has it's own train crossing guard rails that go down when the train comes through. Very cute.
So tired. He took at least an hour nap in his stroller while we went through the shops. What a good boy.
At one of the shows we went to. We saw four: dolphins, sharks, seals and walrus.
Jackson and Daddy on the hot air ballons. He didn't really like this one and Larry still has the bruises to prove it.
More seals. You could pay $3 to feed them but we just watched others touch the dead fish.
At Bugs Bunny's house.
He was saying letters that he knows and pointing to the letters. He likes to do this with license plates too.
More Choo, Choo's!
He loved the carousel. He would go by and you would hear "Weeeeee!"
I love this picture because we were cracking up the whole time. When the submarine was up high all you could see was his little face poking out even though it was packed with people.
I love the pics. Mine are still in the camera of course.