Monday, May 4, 2009

All Better!

Today Jackson had his ear and weight check and everything went well. His ears look great and his weight was now 22 pounds with his clothes on. We asked the doctor what weight we were shooting for and he said 23 pounds but pointed out that Jack had his clothes on today and they could have accounted for about 1/2 a pound. I really think that he has gained almost that 2 pounds and that his clothes were not that heavy but whatever. He almost got out of his 15 month shots because the nurse didn't have the Varacilla but the doctor decided he wanted him to have the MMR so in the end he got his MMR and Hep A immunizations. He was not so happy about that but we premedicated with Tylenol so hopefully his reaction will not be too bad. These are his first live immunizations so he will probably not feel good for a few days. Oh joy. It seems like we just got our baby back and now he may get sick again. Poor baby. Our next appointment is at 18 months and hopefully we won't have to see the doctor again until then. Here are a few pictures of him recently and also another piece of daycare artwork.


  1. What fabulous artwork! Glad that his weight is up a bit--he looks great, by the way. Must be all the lard you're giving him. :)

  2. Jack looks so tall standing in the kitchen with dad. Why do you have him in a grocery bag? Well at least it is enviornmentally safe. I really need to come see you guys and get a Jack fix.
